Ahmed Farahat 2015/10/24 22:44:03 0 0
where is the document url 
Karmagedon 2015/09/16 00:21:29 0 0
Look for this new version of the program has turned out just now. After looking, I wanted to write on the forum.COOL! COOOOOL! THANKS TO DEVELOPERS! It is very cool. ...
kabone76 2015/09/16 08:59:34 0 0
Is there a way to prevent the cookies from being cleared after a successful thread?I do not want to have to keep loggin into facebook every time a new thread is started, and I do not have a way to prevent the tab names increasing.. How could i make it so I stop the cookies from being cleared?
kabone76 2015/08/27 02:22:45 0 0
I just wanted to let you guys know about an issue I have been seeing quite a bit. If you open the form and edit it. Eventually the elements in the form such as buttons, images, text fields etc. disappear and cannot be found or moved. They are still there you just can't do anything with the form once this happens! I have had this issue since before I bought your software with the free version and thought this would be fixed by now. Very frustrating to start building a form then have it do this an...
Karmagedon 2015/08/25 16:27:27 0 0
This damn nightmare! Where is the documentation says that you can not use global variables in Process Control - IF?http://developer.botchief.com/actions/botchief_actions.htmlI spends three days to deal with a simple action. Developers, you think this is normal?I understood only with assistance:http://www.whitehatbox.com/bbs/BBSPost?postid=1696#.VdzPBfntmko(Thanks to the author for help)The program is...
Whitehatravi 2015/03/10 00:21:05 0 0
Hi,Is there any way to select flash elements on a page? I am trying to sign up on  a page that uses flash and I am not able to select the specific elements to set values. I know you had told that you are working on this and will release an upgrade. I am waiting for it to be used my bot chief editor since some time. Any idea when this will be available.?
Karmagedon 2015/08/20 23:34:56 0 0
Change User-Agents in two ways. First, create a variable to hold the list of User-Agents....
akeshari 2015/03/30 02:01:01 0 0
can someone please explain how useragent work? Can we change what browser to be used using useragent? If yes, how do we do that? what variable do we use?
Stephen 2015/08/16 15:49:14 0 0
I would like someone to create a bot for me. Its a simple bot. Email me if your interested. I will pay via paypal.  [email protected]
TurboGolom 2015/08/02 16:44:37 0 0
Hello BC im using here and there your tool and to be honest several Times its just annyoing as hell that the bot cant find the tasks of Websites like Buttons etc. Allways i get on a Point where i cant continue my Script cause BC cant find the Buttons etc of websites.IM working on a Script where my Program should complete a Surcey but  BC cant find the Buttons of the Survey or even if i do it manual he cant find fields etc at the Survey....
daggercan 2015/07/30 18:01:02 0 0
Hi (? must say my english is not good :/ ) I need help.Example ? want write script for google search and ? want default values in turn(in order) like one thread -a- another -b- another -c- like 1,2,3 not random like c,d,e,a,b (i said for every other SINGLE thread) but i cant do this, which processing way which row index so how can ? do this ? ...
daggercan 2015/07/27 21:27:46 0 0
Its my problem.. in this script opens new tab pop-up and getting error like this and bc stop, I must click manually for pass new task what can i do ?
Sain 2014/08/29 08:32:22 1 0
I decided to create some projects in BotChief, so I will have many questions about this platform options. To not create new topics for every question, I created this 1 topic. So, I will publish all my questions in this 1 topic. 
Baller20 2015/02/24 05:59:02 1 0
Hey guys!I have made my own bot, and I have problems with captcha. I watched your tutorial videos and I do exactly the same things BUT when I run my bot, there is a error : "Did not find the controls" and this error is in captcha part. So, in this case at 23. Otherwise my bot runs perfectly.But when I test run captcha part, then the window pop-up normally and I can write the captcha, but when I run my whole bot then the error comes.Might be hard to...
akeshari 2015/04/19 00:56:46 0 0
hey John, thanks for solving the multiple thread issue.But there's a bug with the fix. I presume , you've added some kind of switcher whcih switches between multiple open windows to change the focus . But, its not efficient enough. Most of the times, it randomly starts switching windows and everything is messed up. I wanted the multiple thread to work on different windows at a time but not at the cost of efficiency....
akeshari 2015/04/12 01:30:05 0 0
The old version worked fine with the user agent set funtion  but the update doesn't. Please get this fixed asap.
Xion 2015/04/05 01:36:07 0 0
I don't know anything about scripts or coding (working on it), & I was wondering if there's either a place to download free scripts or could someone tell me what code scripts are written in?(I'm assuming it's code.)
akeshari 2015/04/07 19:24:03 1 0
I clicked run as administrator as usual and this is what error i get. I even tried running it on a number of computers. The case is same. Please fix the bug, John.
TurboGolom 2015/04/06 14:08:42 0 0
Hello guys and hello Team.i started using your great tool some hours ago and have some Questions about your functions and generel stuff. i got some knowledge with this automation programs, i used the tool with z......so 1 Question: when is the next Update coming and what does it contain ?2: will there ever be an script recorder like: press record open site fill site and bot will record every step?3 Is it possible so far to use a...
akeshari 2015/04/02 20:11:51 0 0
PLEASE HELP.No matter what i do, the multiple thread feauture of the botchief runner is not working. I even tried running the system bots that's already provided(yahoo account creator). It doesn't even work on thatPlease tell me if I am missing something. Getting this issue fixed will be a great relief. ThanksLet's ROCK
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